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* Calculated price is based on the manufacturer's suggested retail price. Shipping and preparation included, taxes extra. The rebate and purchase price displayed may vary depending on whether the vehicle is leased, financed, or paid in cash. Please note the Drive Green government rebates are included if applicable, does not include taxes. While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Prices, payments and rates are subject to change without notice, please verify all information and pricing with a sales representative or ask online.

A Vast Selection of New Mazda Vehicles in Dorval

Come to Mazda Des Sources in Dorval today and let us show you the new range of Mazda vehicles. At Mazda Des Sources, you'll be impressed by the quality of the vehicles we offer our customers and by the impressive range of new Mazda vehicles.

The New Mazda3 AWD

Mazda Des Sources is proud to offer our customers the all-new Mazda3, featuring SKYACTIV-G and SKYACTIV-X technologies. At Mazda Des Sources, you'll be impressed by the number of Mazda3 vehicles we have in stock waiting for you. Come and speak to our experts today. They will help you find the perfect Mazda3 model for you and your needs.

At Mazda Des Sources, we have many new Mazda CX-70 sedans in stock, in all the colours and versions you want. We also have the legendary Mazda MX-5 for those who wish to enjoy driving in its purest form. 

The New Mazda CX-50

The Mazda CX-50 is a compact SUV that offers an impressive combination of performance and efficiency. A large selection of SKYACTIV engines including turbo, diesel, and an engine with cylinder deactivation technology means there’s something for everyone. 

The Mazda CX-90 with Three Rows of Seats

If you need even more space, the Mazda CX-90 will certainly be able to meet all your needs. With three rows of seats and more than 1,000 litres of cargo space with the second row in place, the CX-90 is considered to be one of the most fun-filled three-row SUVs available today. 

Mazda Des Sources also offers its customers a large selection of new Mazda CX-30 urban SUVs at the best price and in the colour and version you desire. For a new Mazda vehicle, discover our inventory of new Mazda vehicles today.